
No rain yesterday and again the forecast calls for rain today. I’m just not convinced. Tomorrow it’s supposed to rain as well but tomorrow’s rain forecast came with a sharp drop in temp as well. That sounds like a better prediction. At any rate, I watered this morning–20 minutes per side.


Got up and went out to water. Weather report says there is a slight chance again for rain today and tomorrow but I’ll believe it when I see it. Mowing is certainly on the agenda sometime soon. It’s finally time to take the blade height down low. That should mean less mowing required. I also pulled some weeds but there is need to do a ton more weeding in the flower beds along the west side of the house and north side of the property in front. The back also needs a ton but I’m focused on the front this year.


It was supposed to rain yesterday again and although it got dark and gray at one point, it never actually rained as far as I can tell. That said, I think the amount of moisture was enough to get the growth through in the interim. I’m back to watering today. 20 minutes per side.


It was so wet over the weekend and into the start of the week that I didn’t bother wathering yesterday. Today, however, it was supposed to be sunny and warm with little to no chance of rain. Consequently, when I got up this morning I gave the yard a drink–20 minutes per side. I also did some weed pulling. Every little bit counts.