Before leaving for the weekend I brought the basil in and watered it. I pinched off a few flowers that were growing on it. I hope it does well while we’re away. I also hope it rains or at least isn’t too hot so our grass is still green when we return. Not sure when I’ll get around to it but our grass looks like it needs to be cut. Bad timing I guess. Ug. It’ll have to wait. Finally, I went to the hardware store to take back the sprinkler and replace it with something like what I Had before. I’ll try it out when we return.
Category: Watering
Watering done on the yard
I set the new sprinkler out this morning and it was so noisy that it woke Dana. It’s definitely going back. I’d rather have a quiet sprinkler that soaks my lawn in the 40 minutes I run it than one that pounds the house and doesn’t get much water to any one spot. How frustrating! I did leave it out for 40 minutes this morning. I hope that’s enough.
I went to the hardware store and picked up a new sprinkler. It’s one of those pulse sprinklers that make that ticking sound like you see on golf courses. The entire unit is metal which is annoying because it looks too valuable to leave out but which should stand up to vandalism (though if I don’t leave it out, when will it have to stand up to anything?). I put it out and adjusted the spray and found that I could hit the entire front yard without moving it. It wasn’t easy to adjust but I eventually got it adjusted. I checked on it after 20 minutes and there were still spots that looked like they were barely hit with water so I let it run for an additional 20 and checked it again and then an additional 10 and then gave up. I’m thinking I’m going to take it back and replace it with the sort I had before. I may give it one more try.
I also noticed that the basil needs more water. I’m thinking with the heat and dryness, once a week is insufficient. I’ll start watering more regularly and not leave it out in the sun as much as the websites suggested and see how it does.
When I came home from work today I found that someone has vandalized my sprinkler. It wasn’t the best sprinkler in the world but someone clearly came onto my property and broke it. It looks like someone snapped it clean in half. They also moved the hose. It almost looks like they didn’t like the fact that I leave my hose in a coil on my front walk. There’s money I didn’t want to have to spend right now! How frustrating!
Basil plants
I found, after a quick search of the net, that Basil plants watered once a week thrive. Further, that basil plants like a lot of sun. After I purchased my basil plants and potted them in the potter Dana bought for my birthday a year ago, I figured water them onceĀ a week and put them in a place that gets lots of sun. I apparently was wrong. Denver is such a dry place that once a week wasn’t enough water. After watering them over the weekend, I figured I could wait until the following weekend to water them again. This evening I looked at the basil plants and they were completely wilted (a dramatic change from this morning when I saw new growth popping up). I immediately brought them inside and gave them a drink. The soil was bone dry and each of the three little pots (which are about 1 and 1/2 cups if I had to estimate) took nearly 1/2 cup of water. The soil soaked it up. We’ll see how they do with a day out of the sun.
Did the morning watering this morning. 20-minutes per side. Looks like every other day is working out so far. We’ll see.
I’ve been trying to do the every other day thing. We had some rain over the weekend which helped but since then we’ve had thunder and at most a tiny drizzle for a couple of minutes but not enough to replace actual watering. As a result, it looks like this week will be an actual watering week (though only every other day). 20-minutes per side this morning.
I skipped the watering yesterday morning. I’m trying to transition into watering every other day in an effort to safe water (not that I use that much water to begin with). Did the usual 20-minutes per side.
I skipped watering yesterday morning because of the rain on Monday and but decided to give the yard a drink this morning. 20-minutes per side.
I had thought it would rain again yesterday but it never got around to it. Asa result I did the watering this morning. 20 minutes per side.