
Finally got the mowing done between rain storms. Phew! That was a beast of a chore. I also got some weeds pulled in front. Nowhere near all of them but every little bit counts. We still have some bald spots and while I have nothing against baldies (being one myself) it would be nice if I could figure out how to get some grass growing on those spots. Ug.


Was out of town Friday and Saturday and just returned. When I hit the airport we couldn’t get off the plane because of a lightening storm. Then we got off the airport and there was an announcement that due to tornados in the vacinity we were supposed to stay away from the windows. I finally got in my car and drove home. On the ride home it started raining again. By the time I got home it had stopped. Then, minutes after I got inside and opened some windows it started to thunder and lightening and then the most massive downpour I’ve seen since moving to Denver! I believe the weather report for the last couple of days included rain as well. That gave me a break from watering but has severely interrupted my mowing schedule!


Was out early this morning and took care of the watering–20 minutes per side. There are still lots of plugs not worked back in to the soil from the aeration. The yard needs a mow badly but I don’t want to lose the plugs so I’m putting it off as long as I can. Probably sometime before Friday though.


It’s supposed to be warm today (mid 80s) so I decided to do a bit longer than normal watering–30 per side. I’m thinking I’m going to see about some products to get the parts of the yard that aren’t currently growing up and running. We’ll see if that gels. I also need to mow but I think I’m going to wait for this evening.