Removing the bandage

It’s been nearly 3 weeks since we planted the new seed. The growth, old and new, has been great. So great, in fact, that the old growth was about a foot tall. It was time to mow. We borrowed the power mower from our neighbors across the street. It took three trash bags full of clippings to clear the front yard. It was like removing a bandage after cosmetic surgery. It was amazing to see the thick green grass. It is almost as if the damage done by the previous owens has been erased. In addition to mowing, Dana and I removed the deformed Aspen which was growing on the northwest corner of the house steeling all the light and neutrients of the plants around it. The corner looks so much better now (and will look even better if we can get the rose bush that was struggling beneath the Aspen to grow). Check out the photos.

Thunder Storm

Mother nature took care of our  evening watering so no need to run the sprinkler. To get out of the wet, Dana and I went to Home Depot, bought a shop vac, some supplies to spruce up the electrical in the former-basement-storage-room soon-to-be work-out-room and carpet and padding. We brought it all home and emptied the remainder of the stuff from the room. We cleaned the room with the new vac, laid down the padding, cut it to fit, and brought the carpet into the room. Photos on the Our-Yard page(even though this isn’t yard work per se). We’ll unroll, cut and stretch the carpet tomorrow night.

Home Depot run

After a quick lunch break, I went to Walgreens, Sam’s Club and the Sam’s gas station. I was going to meet Dana at Home Depot but she wasn’t quite ready to roll. I headed home and picked up Dana. She wanted to go to Home Depot to look at stones, outdoor and indoor carpeting, and planters. We ended up picking up 8 bags of small river stones, 8 stepping stones, and an outdoor carpet for the back porch. We headed home and got it all unloaded.