
Was out early this morning and took care of the watering–20 minutes per side. There are still lots of plugs not worked back in to the soil from the aeration. The yard needs a mow badly but I don’t want to lose the plugs so I’m putting it off as long as I can. Probably sometime before Friday though.


It’s supposed to be warm today (mid 80s) so I decided to do a bit longer than normal watering–30 per side. I’m thinking I’m going to see about some products to get the parts of the yard that aren’t currently growing up and running. We’ll see if that gels. I also need to mow but I think I’m going to wait for this evening.


When I came home this evening it was obvious that Mile Hi had returned. They were supposed to come back and do another round of overseeding. Instead, it appears they did another round of everything. I don’t know if they spread seed but I don’t really care at this point. Either they did or they didn’t. Either something grows or it doesn’t. Just in case what they did was helpful, Dana did some watering. I may go out there at some point soon and do a bit of raking and put down my own seed (especially in the really bald spots. I’ve still got some seed left from last year’s seeding. It’s supposed to possibly rain over night tonight. One can only hope.


I woke up this morning and decided to do some watering. There was considerable dew on the grass but I don’t think it rained recently. We have Mile Hi coming sometime today and it is not supposed to be a rainy day so I decided it was a good idea to run the water a bit (the usual 20 minutes per section).