
It’s supposed to be in the high 80s today. Tomorrow may be a bit cooler and it might rain (not holding my breath though). I was up before my alarm and got right outside to start watering. Covered both sides. While I still have no idea if the new seed is growing, the old grass is getting quite high. I know ACN said to wait until the new seeds are 2″ or taller to cut the grass the rest of the grass is growing like crazy and is already higher than 6″ in many spots. I guess I just need to be patient.


Up for work at 5:30 I went out to start the sprinkler. It is supposed to be near 90 degrees again today. There is some chance of rain but I’m not banking on it. Still no sprouts visible but the old grass is looking better than ever with the new soil and all this watering. Also, it appears greener. (That could, of course, just as likely be a visual result of green against black. After all, the reason the grass is always greener on the neighbors lawn is you are looking at it from your lawn which means you are seeing the sides of the blades of grass and there is greater surface area for the light to reflect off the blade. If you look down on your own grass from above, you’d see the top and not the side of a blade–less transmission and therefore less green reflecting.)


Dana came home from visiting with Kim and immediately got the sprinklers out to the front of the house. We’ve managed to stay ahead of the heat today and the ground has remained moist. We have some concern still that we might be overwatering. Guess if nothing grows that will answer the question of whether it is possible to overwater a lawn in this dry climate of ours.