
Good thing I skipped watering this morning. We got a lot of rain this afternoon. When I started my drive home from Castle Rock it started hailing and was nearly a whiteout. Denver didn’t get nearly as severe weather but it was certainly raining at home so the yard was given a drink.


As I left the office this evening it started raining. As I began the drive up over the mountain pass back toward Denver it started hailing. It was incredibly loud and very difficult to see. It appears as though it didn’t hail at home, however, so our flowers are safe. It did start to rain shortly after I arrived home. Guess I was wrong about the unreliable nature of this morning’s weather report. Question remains if there will be enough moisture from this evening’s brief rain to mean no need to water tomorrow morning. I may risk it and skip the morning drink.


Because it rained yesterday and because it was supposed to rain this evening I decided not to water this morning. Good thing. Tonights storm is intense: Hail, flooding, etc. Even though we cleared the down-spouts already once this season it looks like they are blocked again. Also, one of the down spots in the front of the house has sprung a leak. Check out this video:

[local /wp-content/uploads/2009/06/leak.mpg The Leak]


There was a prediction for rain today but I wasn’t going to get my hopes up. Then, as we sat around enjoying a quiet evening, not only did it rain, it poured and brought with it hail. In true Denver style, however, it only lasted about 15 minutes–but percipitation is percipitation! Guess I won’t need to water tomorrow.